We would like to take this opportunity to wish the school community a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. A reminder that Monday 9th January is an INSET day and pupils return to school on Tuesday 10th January, week A.
Important Messages from the Pupil Welfare Officer
A few reminders:
1. A reminder please that all pupils bring a water bottle into school.
2. If a pupil is unwell, they follow school procedure to go home and that is to see myself/T3 who will then contact home. Pupils should NOT be using their mobile phones in school.
I would be so grateful if this does happen that you tell the pupil to follow the procedure. After all, it is there for a reason.
3. Parent/carer please note when collecting pupils there is no need to go to Reception,unless this has been stated. Please press the intercom on the Pedestrian gate to let Reception staff know you have arrived to collect the pupil.
4. Thank you to everyone that has sent spare uniform to me. It is very much appreciated and recycled.
FYI Any pupils who missed the Fluenz immunisation in October we will be offering a catch up session in school on Friday January 13th. Pupils will be informed asap.
All that remains to say is Happy Holidays to you all. Stay safe and keep well. See you in 2023. Mrs Hopkins
Exam Certificates - Summer 2022 Exam Certificates are now available. Have you collected your Exam Certificates? If not, please contact us.
Uncollected Exam certificates are still currently available from 2017. Mrs Morris.
Congratulations to the newly appointed CHAT team for this academic year. The CHAT team are trained peer mentors within the school community and are available in Newid (T3) every lunchtime to support any student who would like to see them. The team will also play a vital role in transition for the incoming Year 7s as the year progresses. Mrs Vincent.
Open Evenings
Thank you to everyone in the school community for attending and supporting the Open Evenings this year. Here are some of our Sixth Form Ambassadors assisting with the school tours during the evenings.
Congratulations to Josh in Yr 11 who took part in the MMA World Cup earlier this term. He won two silver medals and one bronze fighting 17 & 18 year-olds who were bigger and more experienced than him!
Congratulations to Rhys in Yr 13 who performed at the Welsh National Judo Championships last month. -He took part in 11 bouts and won 7 to take Bronze medal in the U66kg Juniors (U19 yrs) and a Silver medal in U66kg Seniors (U30 yrs). He has now been invited to join both the Junior and Senior Welsh Squads for 2023. Rhys will now be focussing on entering the Welsh Heat of the British Schools Judo Championship on January 28th, (YR10-13 U66kg category).
Congratulations to Laura in Yr 10 who went to Skopje in North Macedonia earlier this year and competed in the European Karate Championships.
Congratulations to Katie Merrifield for her selection to play for Wales U17.
Ruby Rowlands in Yr 10 achieved her SEREN qualification from last year. Well done Ruby!
Cedric in year 9 competed at the British National Championship last monthHe finished 5th in the under 42kg Pre-Cadet category. This follows his Silver medal at the Welsh National Championship the week before. This result qualified Cedric for the Welsh Squad 2023. This season Cedric has represented Wales at the British Team Championship and The Hague International Open.
Gwennie - Year 8
Gwennie in Year 8 has performed in Beauty & The Beast Pantomime at Swansea Grand Theatre this Christmas.
Over 126 pupils entered the Senior Maths Challenge in October! Thank you to Mr Kovacevic and @ukmathstrust Well done everyone who participated 
Well done to all of our Computer Scientists who took part in the @BebrasUK challenge. They all did a fantastic job! #ComputerScience #ComputationalThinking #Computing. Mr Gallagher
Congratulations to Megan in Yr 9 who played in the U.S Kids Local Tour South Wales Final at Llanwern Golf Club on Sunday 16th October. She won the Girls 13-14 Championship scoring a gross of 74, 2 over par. Megan also won runner up for the Girl’s Best Gross and was the most improved play overall. This win now opens up many worldwide golf competition opportunities for Megan next year. Well done!
Artists of the Week - Displays
Congratulations to ex pupil, Mark Harris who was in this year's World Cup squad. This is a huge achievement, congratulations!
Here are some pictures of Mrs Davey's class completing the community impact project.
We have received donations from staff, Davies homes, lush beauty & Ocean Aesthetics Gowerton.
They have made 35 Christmas hampers for adults and children who reside in refuge and the community who have been impacted by domestic abuse.
Pupils hosted a coffee & cake morning on December 20th and presented the hampers to Hafan Cymru who will be distributing them for us. Mrs Davey.
Expressive Arts Department - Christmas Concert
Thank you to all staff and pupils for a very festive Christmas concert on 20th December. We are all now in the mood for Christmas! Thanks to all who supported the evening, which showcased the musical talent of our fabulous pupils.
The School Community Team
We’d like to thank all parents, pupils and staff for their donations to Ty Olwen. Helen Murray and the hospital staff were amazed at our generosity again this year and as a school community, we should be proud of the way we’ve all come together to make a difference to the patients who are there over the Christmas period. Have a lovely holiday everyone, thank you! The School Community Team.
Christmas came early to Ty Olwen today in the guise of pupils and staff of @Olchfaschool bearing gifts for our patients. A huge thank you to you all. Pictured are Angharad Davies, Claire, Angel, Raeshmika, Bella, Helen Murray, Fatimah, Delyth, Hannah and Matthew Jones. https://t.co/41Z0h05vTI
17 hours ago
School Contact Details
Olchfa School
Gower Road
Telephone: 01792 534300
Website: www.olchfa.org.uk
Email Addresses:
pastoral@olchfa.org.uk (years 7-11)