Dear Parents/Carers
Welcome to the Easter edition of the Olchfa newsletter. As always, it's been a busy term, full of activities and achievements across all of our year groups.
As the school continues to find its feet post Covid, I'd like to draw your attention to some issues and priorities for the school.
Firstly, the overall school attendance rate this year is just above 90%. Whilst this compares favourably with other local schools, it is still well short of the 95% rate that we were achieving pre-pandemic. In real terms, that means that each of our pupils is typically missing 10 days more schooling than they were pre-Covid. Please encourage your son/daughter to attend school if they possibly can. School is too important to be missed, other than in cases of genuine illness.
Secondly, we have carried out a major and expensive refurbishment of toilets at the school. I am disappointed to report that a minority of pupils have caused significant damage to these facilities and spoilt them for the majority.
I have put in place staff supervision at the toilets throughout the day. This will remain in place until we are satisfied that the toilets are being used as intended. If damage is proved to be caused by an individual pupil, parents/carers will be billed for the whole cost of the repair.
Thank you.
Hugh Davies, Headteacher
Josiah Fasham - Minecraft Blue Peter
Josiah was absolutely thrilled to find out that he had achieved 2nd place in his age group in the Blue Peter 'Create Something Great Competition' in January 2023; beating hundreds of other entries. For this, he spent weeks last autumn designing, creating, editing and narrating a concept Minecraft world showing the Blue Peter of the future. He did it all from absolute scratch.
To acknowledge his brilliant entry, he received a special personalised letter of commendation from the Editor, a Blue Peter competition badge and his entry was also featured on the show. He has also uploaded it at this link:
Mr Gallagher
Rights Ambassadors!
The following young people are our new rights ambassadors for the Children's commissioner. Welcome, Lily, Tabby and Lina. #childcomwales
Congratulations to Cedric in Yr 9 who represented Olchfa at the British Schools National Judo Championship earlier this month where he won Gold in the year 8/9 boys under 46kg category. Well done Cedric!

Nia Bevan 10NEV represented the West Wales district in armed guard. She went to HMS Raleigh where she competed against 7 other districts for a place at nationals. They won best guard and best guard commander and are the only Welsh team to qualify for nationals.
Turkey/Syria Earthquake Appeal
In February, we held a non-uniform day and raised over £5000 for the Turkey/Syria earthquake appeal. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this important fundraising effort and particularly to those of you who were involved in the organisation of the event.
Ty Olwen - Easter Egg Appeal
The SAB Community Team have collected donations of Easter Eggs and chocolates for the patients of Ty Olwen. We are extremely grateful for all of the donations collected by pupils and staff, as are the patients in the ward. We are always so impressed by the generosity.
Monetary donations have also been collected, the money will be split between all 3 charities, Ty Olwen, Help for Heroes and Maggie's.
Ski Trip 2023 - Andorra
Over February half term we were excited to be able to resume our school ski trip following the period missed due to COVID. We had a full coach booked onto the trip for our inaugural visit to the slopes of Andorra. This was the first time the School had been Skiing in Andorra and it didn't disappoint. On our arrival in Andorra the weather was glorious with temperatures on our first day on the slopes reaching (a very warm) mid 20s. With some worry about whether the snow cover would last the week due to the heat we were told that snow was once again on its way. Over the next couple of days we had quite significant snowfall which refreshed the slopes and made for very pleasant ski conditions.
It was great to see the progress that all students made throughout the week, from our beginners taking their first steps onto the slopes who managed to progress very well to tackle some of the more challenging runs through to our advanced skiers who found themselves comfortably skiing off piste with the guidance of their group instructor.
We were really lucky with our accommodation, right in the heart of Andorra. It allowed students some time to explore the area in the evenings and make their 'duty free!' purchases. The hotel provided an ideal base and more food and choice of food at breakfast and dinner than we could have hoped for.
Being in the city of Andorra meant we could take a short walk to visit the Caldea Spa. Billed as the largest spa in Southern Europe it certainly impressed. With its range of pools, jacuzzi and other cold and hot therapy areas our late evening visit flew by. One of the main highlights is probably being able to swim straight from the pool inside through to the outside heated pool.
The students on this trip were an absolute pleasure to be with all week and certainly made the most of their time away from home with friends. With no injuries.....apart from me!, what a successful and rewarding trip! Mr Jones

Information has been sent out to parents of Y8, 9 and 10 students about our plans to return to Andorra next Feb half term. This is an opportunity not to be missed.
It has been a busy term for the eco-committee. Pupils have planted cherry and crab apple trees as well as foxgloves and alder buckthorn in our biodiverse area at the front of the school. Thank you to @CAE_Wales Green Schools award and @CelticWildflow1 for providing us with locally sourced native plants #ecoschools #keepwalestidy. Ms Samuel.
Time Out for Parents - The Teenage Years
We will be running our very popular, Time Out for Parents – The Teenage Years sessions again in the Summer Term. Six weekly sessions starting Wednesday 20th May, 7-9pm. Every good parent wants to be an excellent one! Meet other Olchfa parents and get equipped to support your teenager during this season of their life. Spaces are limited. Cost £10. To sign up or for any other enquiries, please contact Hannah Vincent - VincentH@hwbcymru.net
“These sessions give you a solid foundation upon which you can improve your parenting skills. We aren’t given a manual when our kids are born. This course is the closest thing to receiving one!”
“The course has been AMAZING!! Very useful, excellently presented – friendly and encouraging environment. Has given me invaluable advice and guidance for life with a teenager!”
Science & Technology Learning Area News
It has been a very busy term for the Science and Technology Learning Area, with visits to TATA Steel in Port Talbot, University of Wales Trinity St David’s campus in SA1 and Swansea University. We have been very fortunate to welcome visitors from our wider school community, with talks from parents, grandparents and ex-students. Our students have benefited from visits and talks from experts from Bristol, Cardiff, Nottingham and Swansea universities, with talks on topics as diverse as The Magical Kingdom of Fungi and Dark Matter in the Universe.
Of particular note was our celebration of the UN’s 8th annual International Women in STEM day. We were fortunate to have inspirational interactions with many notable women working in the STEM field. Two visitors from Bristol University, Amy Mickelburgh and Rosie Ford, spoke to our students about their research in the Microbiology and Chemistry areas. We welcomed Professor Yamni Nigum to school to tell us all about her groundbreaking programme encouraging us all to “Love a Maggot”. A group of Year 12 girls had a fantastic day with the Motorsport Engineering department at UWTSD, where, as well as the opportunity to develop their problem solving and teamwork skills, they had a chance to drive the racing car simulator and had Q&A sessions with engineers from Range Rover. A big thank to all the people involved for being such positive role models for all our students.
To keep up to date with the goings on within our Learning Area, then please follow our Twitter feed - @SciTechOlchfa
Maths, Computing and Numeracy News
World Maths Day 2023
Our pupils participated in the World Maths Day competition that takes place globally on the 8th of March. Great excitement, quick thinking and fast typing led to excellent results!
Year 7: 54th in the UK and 258th in the world
Year 8: 44th in the UK and 231st in the world
Years 9 to 12: 24th in the UK and 125th in the world
Pupils played 20 games at different levels, answering as many questions as possible in 60 seconds. They competed against students across the globe in a worldwide celebration of mathematics. Well done to all the pupils who participated!!
UKMT Intermediate Maths Challenge
Outstanding results from the pupils in Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11 who participated in the UKMT Intermediate Maths challenge on Thursday, February 2nd.
5 Silver awards and 12 Bronze awards in Year 9.
5 Gold awards, 10 Silver awards and 20 Bronze awards in Year 10.
5 Gold awards, 11 Silver awards and 19 Bronze awards in Year 11.
Special congratulations to Max and Yu Han who were the best in their year group and Tristan who was the best in school!
Max and Joshua qualified for the Grey Kangaroo challenge and Tristan, Yu Han, Jerry, Ruby and Richard qualified for the Pink Kangaroo challenge. These took place on March 16th - well done Tristan for achieving a Merit in this very prestigious challenge.

Sixth form Talks
Dr Ben Evans, from Swansea University - Engineering-, gave a talk to our mathematicians and computer scientists in Year 12 on January 30th. A fascinating insight into the highs and lows of developing the fastest car on Earth.

Rob Eastaway, author and Maths speaker from Maths Inspiration, delivered a really inspiring and thought provoking talk to our Y12 and Y13 mathematicians and computer scientists on March 13th.
This term in iThink 7CHT have been exploring the life of an 11-year-old in Medieval Wales. They have spent the term creating model villages based on Cosmeston village in Penarth. Gwaith da year 7!
During the February half term, the MFL Department took 19 pupils across to El Puerto de Santa Maria in Cádiz to participate in an exchange. Olchfa pupils whilst in Spain, attended a Bilingual School founded by a Welsh woman, Linda Randell, who was born and raised in Caswell. Pupils undertook group activities with their host partners and went on several excursions some of which included a trip to Seville. Pupils were exceptionally well-behaved and gained a lot of cultural and linguistic insight.
On March 18th, we welcomed the Spanish pupils back here to Wales as part of the exchange and again, all pupils participated in activities held both in and out of school. Spanish pupils were afforded with the opportunity to study Welsh, learn sign language and participate in lessons across the curriculum as well as experiencing the full Welsh weather! A great time was had by all and our exchange is growing stronger every year with El Centro Inglés!
Well done to the five Olchfa pupils who competed in the Under 13 Girls Welsh Final of the Sportshall Athletics Championship in Cwmbran earlier this month. The team did really well representing their school and Afan Nedd Tawe and came 3rd overall.
In the team of 10, the five Olchfa girls were:
Freya Birt
Alice Caldwell
Rutendo Chasweka
Tabitha Ventress-Brett
Ruby Hirst
Year 7 - Girls rugby - came 2nd in the Road to Principality tournament
Year 7 - Girls and boys rugby - represented the school at the Urdd 7s tournament in Cardiff
Year 8 - Girls Basketball - through to the Welsh finals in Bangor after Easter!
Year 8 - Boys rugby - finals of the Osprey's Cup
Year 8 - Girls Cricket - qualified for outdoor regional finals in the summer
Year 9 - Football - winners of Swansea Schools and through to the semi finals of the cup competition.
Year 9 - 7s rugby - made it to the quarter finals of the Bishopston 7s plate
Year 10 - Netball (below) - winners of the pool, through to the next round
Year 10 - Rugby - made it to the semi finals of the Osprey's Cup
Year 11 - Dance - UDOIT dance competition - National School Champions
Year 11 - Ann Smart tournament
Sixth Form - Rugby - Rosslyn Park 7s, played in the cup competition
Sixth Form - Football - semi finals of the Welsh Cup
Individual athlete - Isobel Bramhall, Year 8 - Gold Medal in the Welsh Acrobatic Championships held at Sophia Gardens, Cardiff in February.
Netball - A huge well done to the netball girls who, before half term were undefeated in the Swansea Schools Tournament! Miss Brown said they were a delight to work with and were a credit to the school both on and off the court. Well done girls and good luck in the next round!
Aimee Jones
Phoebe Adams-Jones
Poppy Saulter
Scarlett Maggs
Cailyn Edwards
Rosa Macgowan
Hannah Jones
Lea Humbrecht
Don't forget to follow our social media accounts - Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!
It was great to welcome back @Olchfaschool to Ty Olwen today - they delivered an incredible 600+ Easter Eggs that have been collected by the pupils at Olchfa. These gifts will be given to our patients in Ty Olwen, the main hospitals and those being cared for in their own homes. https://t.co/bJDkyT7zUX
27 minutes ago
Our Library at @Olchfaschool is new and improved! Pupils will need to bring their planners to gain access to the space. We have upgraded our selection of new titles and novels, and we are open during lunchtimes for pupils to take a look! https://t.co/gIs1EoJXp8
1 week ago
Our Year 8 STEM Club members have been using the Principle of Moments to work out the mass of a metre rule. Excellent problem solving skills were on show. @Olchfaschool #STEM #STEMeducation #STEMclub https://t.co/9mrK5FgeM1
2 days ago
A brilliant and informative talk from a Games Development and YouTube expert this morning with our Y12 Digi Tech pupils!
Thank you!
#Inspiring #Youtube #GamesDevelopment #GameMaker @Olchfaschool https://t.co/R4CMWQF73k
6 days ago