Olchfa is a large and busy school but also one that retains a family feel. Results in external examinations in Years 10-13 regularly place the students of the school amongst the highest achieving in Wales. This arises from a very high standard of teaching based upon excellent relationships for learning, an atmosphere of mutual respect and learning which takes place in partnership, especially with you as families. The school’s governing body, leadership teams and staff in all roles work hard to place children at the centre of all we do, continuing to evolve and develop as needed.
Important though results are, Olchfa School is about far more than academic outcomes. Our moral purpose matters hugely as we work to help develop well-rounded young people who are ready for the world. We try hard to make Olchfa a positive place, where young people can thrive. We embrace diversity and inclusivity as drivers of a rich and vibrant school community. To support young people and to help build their resilience, Olchfa offers an excellent package of pastoral care, promoting health and wellbeing and the help needed to overcome any barriers to learning.